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Press Coverage
Amazon soil may store billions more tonnes of carbon than once thought (New Scientist, 2024)
Scientists Uncovered the Amazon's Secret Dark Earth. What If It Saves the World? (Popular Mechanics, 2024).
The Nature of Mantle Flow May Depend on the Type of Slab Subducting (EOS, 2024)
Ancient Amazonians created mysterious ‘dark earth’ on purpose (Science, 2023)
'Dark earth' made by Amazon farmers stores carbon for centuries (New Scientist, 2023)
Ancient Amazonians intentionally created fertile “dark earth” (MIT News, 2023)
Geologist Combines AI, Big Data, Computing Power, and Curiosity (IDSC Magazine, 2023).
How Climate Change Shaped the Amazon’s Land and Life. (EOS, 2022)
Geologists Have a New Tool for Reconstructing the Ancient Climate. (EOS, 2021)
Geologists produce new timeline of Earth’s Paleozoic climate changes. (MIT News, 2021)
Rivers Run Through It. (EAPS Scope, 2018)
From Volcanic Eruptions and Geological Wonders to the Origin and Diversity of Microbial Life. (EAPS News, 2018)
“Amazon pirating water from neighboring Rio Orinoco. (AGU Geospace, 2018)
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